Sunday, April 20, 2008

Agenda (somewhat)

Hello all-- The reunion is coming up this Saturday from 9 - 5 pm! I wanted everyone to get an idea of what will be happening. To start out, we will have some time for people to come in and get acquainted. If you did not get a chance to fill out the "get to know you" form that I emailed out, this will provide some time for you to do so.

Around 10 am, we will have some small presentations concerning genealogy and old family pictures. I invite anyone coming to participate in these presentations, because I know you all know a lot more about our family than I do!

At about 11 am, most of you should have arrived, and we will play some "getting to know you" games and have everyone introduce themselves.

This should carry over until lunch, which will start shortly before 12:00 noon.

At around 1 pm, we will walk up to the North Ogden Cemetery and tour some of the headstones that are of family interest.

1:30 or 2:00 pm, weather permitting, we will have softball and volleyball games for everyone to participate in. Individual family and group pictures will also be taken at this time.

I think that will be enough activity to carry us through the end of the day. I really encourage you to contact me if you would like to show family pictures, tell special stories, etc. I hope we have a lot of participation!

Thanks, and we will see you soon!

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